President’s Message – 3/12/18

Dear MTACSD Teachers,

A few more days and the culmination of hours of preparation and learning will take place at San Diego State University. CM is coming! Ready or not, it will arrive. There will be students who will experience triumph if they are ready and others will experience disappointment with the realization that practice and work really makes a difference. Let us hope there will be more triumph rather than disappointment.

While everyone was busy preparing the students for this big event, there were those behind the scenes working so hard to prepare for CM to be a reality and a success. To name a few: Eleanor Hum, Dr. Mitzi Kolar and Chutaphin Yeager. Because of these three wonderful people, the students, evaluators, volunteers and teachers can enjoy their CM at SDSU with ease and safety. Please make sure to thank them when you see them.

It is no secret that the teachers enjoy the catered lunch. It is also a well known fact that CM evaluators do not mind the trek “down south” because we treat them and feed them so well. Much “catching up” and “getting to know you” conversations float all over the lunch room which is great music to listen to. I hope to see you there!

Miriam Cole

President’s Message – 1/1/18


Let’s ring in the year 2018 with positive thoughts. One positive thought I have is the encouragement you gave me when you volunteered to help in the events you signed up for.  This is what an association strives for: cooperation and mutual respect.  Thank you!

Let’s ring in the year 2018 with positive goals.  We teachers have the power to either inspire or discourage students.  Let us be aware of our students’ strengths and nurture them.  Let us consider their weaknesses as challenges to us to become more creative in our approach to help our students become the best that they can be.

And, being armed with positive thoughts and positive goals, let us say, “2018, BRING IT ON!”

Positively yours,
Miriam Cole

President’s Message 11-13-17

By this time, we hope you have primed your students to the new and/or old challenges that you have prepared for them. The annual holidays are coming up and I hope you and your students are contributing to the sounds of Christmas, Hannukah and New year.

Starting with the Popular Music Festival, our first Branch Event, we will keep record of all teachers who have students participating as well as teachers who contribute and/or help out with each event. At the end of the school year and at the Fall Breakfast next year, we will acknowledge teachers who have helped out the most. We hope this would promote professional camaraderie and cooperation. This also alleviates the responsibilities of the Event Chairperson.

Have a festive and meaningful season with your family and friends.

Miriam Cole
MTAC San Diego

President’s Message 9-15-17


Greetings to all Members of the MTAC – San Diego Branch!

Join me in greeting the new School Year of 2017-18 by attending our Annual Fall Breakfast on September 18. Not only will you have a scrumptious breakfast, you will meet old and new colleagues, get information on the Branch calendar for the year, find out more about our Branch and get the latest instructions on Certificate of Merit. It is definitely an event you should not miss.

This year, some of the members of the Board have changed. I would like to acknowledge the outgoing Board members for their hard work and steadfast commitment to our Branch.

Jaclyn Summers, President
Mitzi Kolar, 1st Vice President
Tim Broadway, 2nd Vice President
Hua Wang, Treasurer
Xiao-yan Sui, Recording Secretary
Connie Gale, Communications Secretary
Yvonne Shanks, Membership Secretary
Jane Bastien, Director
Chuataphin Yeager, Director
Lee Galloway, Director

Special mention is due to our Advisors. They are our Directors emiriti, deservedly so for serving our Branch nonstop for a long time: Tim Broadway, Jane Bastien, Yvonne Shanks, Xiao-yan Sui, Jaclyn Summers and Connie Gale.

I look forward to working with the incoming Board who you will meet at the Fall Breakfast. They are with me in saying: Have a wonderful, productive and successful school year. May our students reap what we have sowed.

Sincerely Yours,
Miriam Cole
President, MTACSD Board of Directors