Category Archives: Branch News
Sonata Results 11.7.20
Congratulations to all participants today!
For students who placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd, trophies will be available for pickup after November 15. More details will be emailed to the participating teachers.
Finalists ribbons and all comment sheets will be mailed to the teachers after November 15.
Group 1A: Bastien
1. Angela Cai
2. Henry Sun
3. Avery Yang
Group 1B: Bastien
1. Clara Stone
2. Scout Sotelo-Sundstrom
3. Jericho Seefeldt
Group 2A: Bastien
1. Alice Zhang
2. Yvonne Gao
3. Maggie Pacleb
Group 2B: Bastien
1. Kelly Ju
2. Eli Krongold
3. Chloe Y. Kim
Group 3A: Gillock
1. Katherine Backues
2. Katelyn Li
3. Kayla Tsubokawa
Group 3B: Vandall
1. Elizabeth Grossman / Ruiya Xia
2. An Tran
3. Blake Hawkinson / Kadmus Ma
2020 Virtual Sonata Contest Registration Now Open!
Registration is now open for the 2020 Virtual Sonata Contest in Memory of Jane Smisor Bastien. Follow the link to the Sonata Contest page for the online registration form and the event guidelines:
2020 H. B. Goodlin Virtual Festival Registration Now Open!
Registration for the 2020 H. B. Goodlin Virtual Festival is hosted by Acceptd, an online application platform for performing arts programs.
- A student account must be created on Acceptd, in order to access the application form.
- Applicants must complete the application on Acceptd, including the submission of the required documents and the audition videos.
- The fee for the application is $15 and it must be paid at the time of registration before the deadline, June 1, 2020.
Please follow the link to learn more and begin an application for the 2020 H. B. Goodlin Virtual Festival:
Branch Event Cancellations
Due to the current situation concerning COVID-19, the MTACSD Board has voted to cancel the following San Diego Branch events for the 2019-20 season:
- San Diego Branch Bach Festival on March 21
- Chopin Festival on April 18-19
Registration fees will be refunded in full in the next 4-6 weeks.
Important Message from MTACSD regarding COVID-19
The health and safety of our teachers, students, and families are of utmost importance. Therefore, the MTAC San Diego Branch Board of Directors has decided to cancel or suspend until further notice all of our branch events that were scheduled over the next 8 weeks. This decision follows the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the state, and local health authorities. These directives require avoiding non-essential gatherings and to practice social distancing over the next 8 weeks. The MTAC San Diego Branch Board considers our action to be our responsibility to reduce spreading this virus within our community.
Additionally, it is the goal of many teachers to continue with lessons at this time. Therefore, to keep all students, parents, and studios safe, the MTAC San Diego Branch Board recommends implementing online lessons now. The Branch Board appreciates the cooperation of our members in following these guidelines and teachers should adopt all precautionary measures.
Updated information on community event guidance from CDC:
MTACSD March Events & Programs Postponed
Due to the current situation concerning the Coronavirus/COVID-19 epidemic throughout the State, the events and programs hosted by the MTAC San Diego Branch in March have been canceled/suspended until further notice. These include the last two days of the Certificate of Merit® evaluations on March 14 and 15, and the Bach Festival on March 21.
MTAC’s priority is the safety of our students, families, teachers, and evaluators. Adhering to the local health mandates helps to protect us and the surrounding community. Based on new recommendations made by the state and local government health agencies in our county and with health and safety in mind, MTAC will reassess the situation in the coming weeks. Please check for more updates from MTACSD.
2020 Piano Duo Results & Acknowledgement
Congratulations to all those who participated and thank you to all those who came to support the 2020 Piano Duo Festival. The festival was held at Greene Music on February 22. This year, we had a total of 24 duo teams registered, of which 7 were non-competitive Student & Teacher and Student & Adult teams. The 17 competitive teams included 15 duo teams and 2 four-member teams playing selections written for eight-hands. Three recitals were presented in front of packed audiences, and our judges were very impressed with the level of the students’ playing. Thank you to Steve Baker and Joanne Stohs for adjudicating the event, and special thanks to Yuko Maruyama and Carol Ong-Chen for their help running the festival and all studios who participated. I hope to see you all next year!
2020 Piano Duo Festival Winners | ||
I: Ages 5 - 9 | 1st Place | Allison Duong & Katelyn Duong |
2nd Place | Aashray Kota & Elizabeth Grossman | |
3rd Place | Vladimir Bayanduryan & Emma Nacher | |
II: Ages 10 - 12 | 1st Place | Grace Xu & Annie Feng |
2nd Place | Yiyi He & Ling Zhong | |
3rd Place | Kyla Ho, Cate Tran, Sonya Yasuda & Joy Xu | |
HM | Ethan Hu & Ryan Hu | |
HM | Leah Nacher & Nikita Mouravyov | |
III: Ages 13 - 15 | 1st Place | Kyle Hong & Eddie Hong |
2nd Place | Sofia Korniyenko, Maria Korniyenko, Anastasiya Butov & Uliana Korniyenko | |
3rd Place | Jacob Chabot & Sophia Lamb | |
HM | Davina Zhu & Ruei-Chi Lai | |
HM | Bryce Liu & Angela Liu | |
HM | Peiran Liang & Wei-Shi Lai | |
IV: Ages 16 - high school | 1st Place | Sahra Daneshmand & Ava Daneshmand |
2020 Chopin Festival Registration Now Open!
The 2020 Chopin Festival Registration is now open. Follow the link to the Chopin Festival page for the registration form and the event guidelines. There is an entry limit of 18 students per category, so teachers are encouraged to register their students early.