This is a regional program sanctioned by Southern California Junior Bach Festival. Student registration is through the SCJBF website. IMPORTANT: Login to view the new branch registration instructions. Registration link is available at the bottom of this page.
2025 San Diego Branch Bach Festival Programs
LOCATION: First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego - Hillcrest, 298 W Arbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92103
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: February 8, 2025 (Updated 1.28.25)
The Mission of SCJBF
It is the aim of Southern California Junior Bach Festival to cultivate knowledge and understanding of Bach’s music, as well as to celebrate it. Through festivals, lectures, master classes, recitals and concerts, we offer many opportunities for musical growth to the best of Southern California’s young instrumentalists and vocalists.
Branch Festival
The Bach Festival at the branch level is held in the spring. Students may play any original music of J. S. Bach, transcriptions of Bach’s music, or music of other Baroque composers. Students are presented in short recitals of approximately 1 hour in length. A panel of not fewer than three judges writes evaluations of each performer. Teachers receive the evaluation sheets. The judges select eligible students to play in the Regional Festival. The length of each student’s performance is limited to 5 minutes.
Regional Festival
Eligible students perform again in recitals with students from other branches that have been selected.
Complete Works Audition
This adjudication is for highly competitive students who have performed at the Branch and Regional Festivals and have been selected to participate.
Teachers must be logged in to view the Student Registration Instructions below and to access the Registration Form.